Life on Cottage Hill: PAGES

Monday, May 18, 2015

a rough ending.

This weekend- our first "non moving" weekend in our house- was perfect. The weather felt like summer, we had very few things we "had" to do, leaving us with lots of time together exploring, playing and relaxing. That all came to a rough ending on Sunday night when Jackson wrecked his bike. I don't do well when my babies get hurt and unfortunately was the only one to witness it while riding home from playing tennis together. My poor Jackie- he's pretty swollen and scratched up today, resting in bed with movies- how about we don't do that again, buddy? 

Thankfully we had packed in a whole bunch of Jackson-approved fun before that- swimming in the lake, tennis, playground trips, lots of bike rides and donuts (best of his life, he claims) at Findlay Market. 

This last one was taken by a stranger who then texted it to me after asking my permission to take a photo of Audrey. He couldn't get over how cute she was walking through Findlay with her market basket that was almost as big as she. 

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