At this point I feel like my next full breath will come in April. Maybe.
But, honestly, no complaints. Life is good and full of adventure and love and thankfully friends and family who are always here to help, especially my mom and Amy -both of whom we're so thankful for.
My first business trip away from Jonah came this week with a quick trip to NYC. I often have these moments of wondering how I was ever chosen for the work I do. I'm convinced that the day will come when someone will look around the room and ask me to please leave because clearly I'm not smart enough to be there. Luckily, this did not happen during this trip but I'm still trying to figure out why. On Wednesday we spent the entire day at the New York Google headquarters followed by some time at the Facebook HQ on Thursday morning.
In between meetings I was able to have dinner with one of my very best friends, Katrina, who lives in Manhattan, take a quick walk around Times Square and stop by the 9/11 Memorial on my way out of town. I'm always so humbled and thankful for these opportunities. I can't help but believe that God puts me in these places and with these people for great reasons and so I do my best to soak it all up to my core.
Taking photos from the plane for JP. He is a details' man and loves seeing as much as possible from my trips.
The view from my Wednesday meetings. One Trade Center in back middle, Statue of Liberty in back/right (looks tiny!), the rest are the Chelsea and Tribeca neighborhoods of Manhattan. 
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