Another perfect Saturday.
It started out on a great foot- Jackson was such a good boy last night and slept in his own bed the entire night. I finally brought him into bed with us at 7:30 to feed him before getting up for the day. I can't believe how much he improves week after week.
We then spent the morning visiting with Grandpa Joe, Aunt Beth and Cousins Mya and Mason before heading to the Orchard to get fresh PEACHES!
We had big plans for those peaches so we bought a lot along with other goodies such as honey, applesauce and cider.

Jackson went down for a nap when we got home and Dan and I got to work on making homemade peach baby food and preparing the remainder of the peaches for freezing.
We were efficient- quite the team we are and finished up right as Jackson was waking up. Then we headed to Bright for the annual parade. It was too hot for Jackson to be outside so long, but we wanted to visit with the family- they were all preparing the Tedesco floats.
Mason & Beth
Daddy & JP on the restored John Deere tractor & cart
Uncle Jordan would have been proud.
Here come the cheerleaders!
I think Mya better stick to playing basketball, not cheering for it.
JP & Great Aunt Chris
Samuel on the back of the float.
My beautiful Grace- almost 2 years old!
It was near 100 degrees- these girls were hot before the parade even started
Grandpa Joe, Great Aunt Tina, Mason, Grace, Mya & Beth... I left them with "good luck" parting words. 3 kids, 100 degrees, a long parade, a tiny float.
This baby was hot. It was time for us to split. On to Chipotle for a late lunch!
Hey! Had no idea you were related to Chris Couch! She cuts out hair and we love her!!! :) Small world huh?!