Life on Cottage Hill: PAGES

Monday, February 28, 2011

weekend warriors

 It's sort of funny (in the non-laughing way) how much we look forward to the weekends. To those two days that are gloriously sandwiched in between the weeks of go, go, go. How we long for those days to hibernate with each other, to just BE, to just soak up life in a not so go, go go way and yet... the weekend came and we went, went, went. 

I don't regret our weekend. I don't wish to take it back, but I would be lying if I said that I wasn't hoping for a quieter, less hectic one next time around.

This past weekend we kicked off the next phase in our home renovation project. As I explained to Dan, it is by far the "least exciting" reno project ever. We are reconstructing the back wall of our foundation. So, no magical before and after shots- although I'll share with you the "during" below. They're not pretty, so don't get your hopes up. We have to do this though because our 50 something year old house is built into a hill and the weight of that hill is pushing upon our foundation, thus making my engineer husband very worried. So, I guess the security of knowing that our house is no longer going to collapse is slightly exciting, but still not pretty. Luckily, the next phases of this massive renovation should involve a lot of pretty.

We also cleaned, played, volunteered a little bit of time packing meals for those in Haiti, did some grocery shopping, fit in a couple of trips to Home Depot (what renovation project would be complete without these?), enjoyed the spots of spring-life weather, went to church, and more... 

Monday came too quickly, as always, and we are back yet again to the go, go go... which never really stopped. I am just going to hold my breath, hold on tight and ride this chaos out until it hopefully slightly subsides in July. We have some hope that our jobs will slow down a little bit then, giving us a chance to breathe a little. 

Here is wishing for you an amazing week and hopefully we'll all find a few chances to slow things down a little and soak each other up. 

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