Life on Cottage Hill: PAGES

Monday, September 1, 2014

life lately. the last week of summer 14'

This last week of summer was a good one. Lots of hard work, lots of fun and the added bonus of a three-day weekend. I think Dan probably got tired of me saying, "can you imagine if we had 3 days off every week?" I appreciate the extra days off here and there so much more because I work full time. And we spent that extra time doing some major re-charging today. So needed, so appreciated. 

Some time I'm going to spend one day taking a quick photo once every hour to remeber how much my roles varied through each day in this season of my life. On my commute home, I often reflect at how different life looks when I'm at work and when I'm at home. I love both those worlds and love that they each make the other than much better too.

If you asked Dan what his favorite part of this week was he would for sure answer getting this new tractor. Or bulldozer or backhoe or whatever it's called. It's "his dream" apparently... and he has been attached to it pretty much all weekend.

Dan and his best buddy posing by their first project done with the tractor- a retaining wall on the side of the driveway entrance. They were pretty proud. (PS: Jonah is in there too, hiding behind Dan in the baby backpack)

And we couldn't say farewell to summer without s'mores. S'mores in the mud and rain with friends? Sure, why not. The crazier the better for these monsters.

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