Life on Cottage Hill: PAGES

Saturday, February 14, 2015

::catching up:: a birthday for my favorite 2 superheroes.

last saturday night, under a fog of jet lag, we hosted jackson and jonah's superhero birthday party. my two little men ushered in their fifth and first birthdays with ample sugar, chaos and gifts. jonah bear wasn't a fan of the cake which is just fine with this mama- I will hold off on the treats just as long as he'll allow me to. and if I could hold off on the rest of what comes with growing up I would do that too. 

these two come with so much joy- bringing us smiles, laughter and healthy doses of both humility and awe each day. 

sweet boys. when you read this some day, please know how thankful we are to have been chosen to be your parents. may you know that while we probably won't perfect this parenthood thing, we will certainly go to bed knowing that we tried with our whole selves every day. 

every. single. day. 

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