Life on Cottage Hill: PAGES

Friday, September 7, 2012

30 by 30!

A few days ago I realized that I (shockingly) only have a year and a half until I turn the big 30. That is exactly (as of next week) 18 months until I hit a big milestone. And big milestones are great reasons for big lists! Well, really, anything is reason enough for a good list, but this one in particular I'm counting on for making the most of what I have left of my 20s. 

After much thought, a lot of over-excitement, a few conversations with husband (who turns 30 just a couple of months after me, by the way) and a few different drafts, I have completed my 30 by 30 list- 30 things I will cross off by the time March 13, 2014 rolls around.

So, take a look (and by "take a look" I mean if there is anyone who is actually reading this :)) and if any look interesting, fun, scary, amazing to you (as they do to me) and you want to join in, please do let me know, I'd love to have friends alongside whenever possible. Otherwise, Dan will be forced to complete all 30 of my 30 by 30 instead of having his own list. 

(in no particular order)

1. Run a 1/2 Marathon in a destination city
2. Visit at least 5 new states
3. Visit at least 2 new countries
4. Turn 30 in an amazing new place (exact location TBD)
5. Go to a drive-in movie
6. Take a photography class and/or lessons
7. Host a formal dinner party
8. Run a race with Dan (winning that race would be bonus ;))
9.  Take a cooking class
10. Spend an entire day at the spa
11. Take a trapeze class
12. Hot air balloon ride
13. Renew our wedding vows in Alaska (for 5th anniversary)
14. Introduce babies to Purdue (via trip to campus)
15. Go on a trip alone
16. Eat a cupcake from a famous cupcake shop
17. Stargaze from an observatory
18. Host an outdoor movie night
19. Spend an entire morning/afternoon reading books in a coffee shop
20. Be a tourist in my own city for a day
21. Dine at the highest ranked restaurant in the city (actual city is TBD)
22. (financial goal: keep specifics private)
23. Have at least 3 rooms completely decorated exactly how I want
24. Have at least 1 date day with each baby (full day packed with mama/baby fun)
25. Go to an opera
26. (career goal: keeping specifics private)
27. Explore DC (I've never been and have desperately wanted to go since the age of 5) 
28. Walk the Freedom Trail in Boston
29. Begin tradition of running Thanksgiving Day 10K Race
30. Wild Card: Do something completely spontaneous, has zero functionality, but really really fun and somewhat scary. 

I will also be saving this list on a new page at the top of the blog where I will keep it updated on progress. It is taking everything in me to not color code this baby. 

Here we go- let the countdown begin!


  1. Love this! What an exciting year and a half that you have ahead of you! :)

  2. Thanks, Jess! I love the idea of having so many adventures before us... which is always the case, but it makes it even more fun when I write them out :)

  3. Jess--Very cool! I may try the same type of list for my 45th. Good luck! Schmidlapp

  4. Schmiddy!! Yes, I definitely think you should have a list for your 45th and share it with me when you're finished!

  5. There are some really good ideas on here. I am interested in a few. I love the idea of the reason behind this list. Kinda of makes you wonder where the time went. Good luck. Miranda

  6. I know, it's really scary how fast time goes, Miranda. I feel like we should still be in our teen years! I think it helps slow things down when you're more intentional about your time and how you spend it, hence the list :)


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